For over 130 years, Panarello has been Italy’s premiere artisan “pasticceria”, turning hand selected high-quality ingredients into guaranteed exceptional products thanks to their dedication to research, development and innovation.

Over the years, the brand has become synonymous with quality and tradition inside the doors of their confectionary shops throughout Genoa and Milan. Their pursuit to expand was deemed successful in the ‘70s, entering into the retail scene and growing its distribution network considerably to present day.

Through the efforts of a strong communication strategy, we worked to maximize the brand visibility in the U.S. by launching an official Instagram page to create a consistency with the main corporate branding elements and use representative content that captures the quality, selection of raw ingredients and the product options that tell the story of Panarello.

This storytelling strategy allows the American market to better understand and appreciate the Italian brand through fundamental communication content that allows us to share the history behind Panarello.

As the exposure of the brand continues to increase, the introduction of the new products which merge traditional flavors and methods to preferences of this new clientele, will have them associate Panarello as a true example of Italian quality and taste.